under the spill

Monday, September 14, 2015

I was watching TV tonight and thought to myself.."Self, you're getting old."  Suddenly my attention was brought to my pretty polished toes, and if I say so myself, my feet are kinda cute. Then, I noticed, the bottoms, what everyone doesn't see, they really didn't seem to match my "12 month flop feet." I couldn't help to think about the ground we walk on daily and how there are cracks everywhere we go. Cracks, they're created by the foundation settling. I thought, wow, it's time for some TLC, then I said "whoa whoa whoa, I don't settle so I shouldn't have cracks!!!!" Yeah, my ADD kicks in at times. Notice how we hit the same pot holes day after day, we surely know they are there and we still forget to dodge them, then we fuss at whoever didn't fix them. Same thing with life, if we keep hitting the same pot holes, the crack is only going to get bigger, we become damaged, then think someone else should pay.  Sometimes you have to take a different route, just to enter the upper end of the parking lot to avoid that growing pot hole. It may take you time to get used to the new way, but you'll soon begin to enjoy it. All it will take is to miss your turn, hit that pot hole again and you'll soon realize why you took a new path. Time for a pedi and a new pair of shoes. kb

1 comment:

  1. Great post kb!!!! Cant wait to keep reading your other posts.
